I’m so excited to publish the first podcast episode with the new title, “conversations along the way”! Erin and I recorded this the night before I finally figured out how to change the title and get this podcast out of the trenches. Pretty sure this conversation helped me get there!
Erin authored a brilliant and very well-recieved piece for PITT, titled Please Don’t. It was her comments here and here that inspired me to reach out and have her on the podcast.
You’ll learn quickly during this conversation that Erin has a strong Christian faith and what a support that provides her as she navigates having a trans-IDed daughter. You’ll notice her approach incorporates many of the ancient wisdom principles that I encourage here at The StoicMom Project. She does lots of reframing and making meaning of this circumstance in a way that supports her to grow through it and strengthen her relationship with her daughter. She talks about recognizing she can’t control her daughter, and that she’s found what works for her is to “look for the gifts” in the situation. Also notice how she describes making peace with what she imagines as the worst-case scenario.
We briefly discuss my piece Bad News and I also wanted to link Grant Me the Serenity where I describe a coaching technique that can help with developing a practice of reframing.
This seemed like such an obvious and perfect title to me, but I was so very close to choosing this quote from Erin that I hope sinks in, “I’m not afraid.”
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