I get SO much out of each and every episode!

Erin’s faith in Christ is a beautiful example of what I strive for in my own faith as well—acceptance, understanding, and nonjudgmental love with the knowledge that we are ALL imperfect and here to learn. I love her description of how she sees her daughter as a spirit—I’m the same: once I get to know someone, it’s their soul I see: bodies are just our mode of transportation…our “meat puppets”.

While my son isn’t trans, I do have to practice acceptance with my husband’s health every single day, and I have learned how to celebrate small miracles, and to see God’s hand (or the Universe’s work) in my own development. My character had such a need for forging that my fire has been HOT and the process long, but I can see how I’ve been strengthened because of it.

If you’re looking for another member (or even an alternate!) for your Best Friend Club, holler—I’d be happy to join! 😉💚

FYI: I recommend Stoic Mom to everyone I think could benefit from it. Also, I’m seeing your name popping up all over the place—you’re having a positive impact!

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"My character had such a need for forging that my fire has been HOT and the process long, but I can see how I’ve been strengthened because of it." I know you have your own fire you've walked through--and I so appreciate that the message at StoicMom continues to resonate. As always, thank you for being here, for recommending SMP, and for taking the time to share your thoughts. ❤ Oh, and of course, you're in the Best Friend Club!

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You’re so welcome. I get so much from each of your guests and from you perspective and ability to articulate it. I literally get more spirituality from listening to you, oddly enough, than I ever did at church. Church offers more in-person connection, but holy moly, you’re the Real Deal™️. As Erin said: You are an absolute blessing. Thank YOU. 💚

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I'm so humbled by this comment. It means an incredible lot coming from a fellow phoenix who rose from the ashes. Thank you, Friend.

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Hi: I 'm listening very intently and I am having a reaction that I feel might not hit very well. I don't think either of you HATE this evil as much as you will as it progresses. Thinking that God can deal in some kind of way to excuse this terrible thing, with a 38 year old who might still be trans is a faint hope clause. God hates this and he has already judged this in our children and we need to come to terms with how they have made an enemy of the Lord of creation. We can only stand in the gap through desperate pray. You have not reached bottom yet and I pray when you do you will not be looking with the rose coloured glasses I am sensing. Lamentation is worship as well as putting a good spin on it. You will know it as you go deeper and it all falls apart as it did for Job or us.

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Oh Colleen, this reaction hits just fine - I'm sorry if you felt it would be offputting. I can sense your pain in your words and I am so sorry this is happening to you, to us. My friend had to watch her daughter on vacation walk around topless with mastectomy scars and all I could do was sit and listen to her pain. We have to be here for each other as well as lament to God. Yes it is evil, we are in spiritual warfare and I fight demons everyday but there are so many people who don't believe in God, let alone demons, that how can we reach them with lamentation and rage alone? Job lost everything and we could say he was self righteous but his faith til the end doubled his portion. That was a miracle and there is a chance that miracles can lead people to gratitude and to Jesus, both of which change lives. Victory over evil is certain with Christ.

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