The StoicMom Project
The StoicMom Project
The painful and scary task of separation -with Dr. Maggie Goldsmith

The painful and scary task of separation -with Dr. Maggie Goldsmith

conversations along the way

I think for most listeners of conversations along the way, Dr. Maggie Goldsmith needs little introduction. Maggie uses a pseudonym since she is the parent of a formerly trans-identified daughter. As she says in our conversation, she “drank from this cup before offering it to you” and is determined to share her hard-earned lessons for mom including recognition of our children’s communication to shift something we’re doing, as well as encouragement to practice self-care and to detach from outcomes. Here are quick links to her PITT articles and podcast appearances that have helped so many and continue to provide guidance and hope to moms dealing with this circumstance:

Maggie’s appearances on Gender: A Wider Lens

EP 136: Gender as a Communication (It's Not What You Think)

EP 85: Mother-Daughter Story: I Didn't Want to be Yours Anymore

Maggie’s PITT articles:

Trans and the myth of sloppy parenting

To My Daughter’s Therapist: You Were Wrong

We’ll be recording the promised Q&A next week so watch for part two of our conversation available to paid subscribers. Maggie and I agreed that we’d like to keep the conversation going, and I hope to have her on again soon!

To learn more about the SMP Community, here’s that link:

The StoicMom Project
The StoicMom Project
At this point, I have embraced this destabilizing, sometimes excruciating, sometimes wondrous experience of having a trans-IDed child as “curriculum of the soul.” Because I can’t help but imagine how different the world might be if we could all take the hardest thing in our lives and view it as this, as curriculum of the soul. Practitioners of Stoicism might say, "the obstacle is the way." These are my conversations and reflections--along the way.