The StoicMom Project
The StoicMom Project
Changing the Dance -with Regina

Changing the Dance -with Regina

conversations with stoic mamas along the way

This is the first episode in a sponsored series of conversations with moms who’ve consciously chosen to shift the way they’re relating to this circumstance; using the context of parenting a trans-identified child to inspire personal healing and growth. Wait, did I just say this was a sponsored episode?! Indeed. I’m so excited to release this first episode sponsored by Dreamschool. Brought to you by the creators of This Jungian Life, Dreamschool is a year-long dream interpretation course designed to teach you how to “decode the language of metaphor and symbol, and harness the power of your unconscious wisdom.” Stoicmom subscribers can get 15% off tuition with the coupon code: STOICMOM15 Go to to learn more and enroll.

I loved this conversation with graduated coaching client, Regina. We focus on her choice to do her own shadow work and show up differently in her family relationships. She describes what a different experience it is to let go of her need to be right and to instead focus on creating conditions that foster security and deep connection.

Regina is the author of an essay testimonial featured in the SMP article: Changing Your Experience, and she also references her PITT articles during our conversation that I wanted to make easy for you to find:

Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT)
Relationship as Guru
Our closest relationships are often our greatest teachers. I am finding the truth of that in my marriage now, as my wife and I struggle to stay connected and parent through vastly differing perspectives on the current gender narrative. I often find myself feeling angry and withdrawn because of our widely differing opinions about navigating the gender la…
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Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT)
Journey to Acceptance
In a previous article I wrote for Pitt, I talked about some of the difficulties of living with a partner and two children who have bought into the current gender narrative that is sweeping the world, while I stand firmly in the knowing that only men have penises and only women can be pregnant. I ended that piece with this: Staying together and connected…
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In communicating with her after our conversation, she included this message, and I’m sharing it with her permission. Indeed, we are all so very human. I totally relate to this:

I was thinking about some of the things I said and while all true in my heart, it may be worth pointing out that I am far from perfect at any of it. I realize I talk a really good game and still have plenty of room for walking my talk.

The StoicMom Project
The StoicMom Project
At this point, I have embraced this destabilizing, sometimes excruciating, sometimes wondrous experience of having a trans-IDed child as “curriculum of the soul.” Because I can’t help but imagine how different the world might be if we could all take the hardest thing in our lives and view it as this, as curriculum of the soul. Practitioners of Stoicism might say, "the obstacle is the way." These are my conversations and reflections--along the way.