The StoicMom Project
The StoicMom Project
The Curriculum of the Soul

The Curriculum of the Soul

reflection from the trenches

Normally, my reflections from the trenches have paywalls but not this one. All my reflections podcasts are me flying solo, sometimes reading some of my older reflections, sometimes musing over some of the weirdness that goes on in my brain. As opposed to my conversations episodes which are interviews with fellow parents of trans-IDed kiddos or other individuals whom I’ve found have helpful things to contribute to this “curriculum of the soul.”

I’d say you’re welcome, but it’s not that big of a gift. It’s just me reading my new about page which is available to anyone to read. I do include a short explanation about why I decided to change the content of this page. I also quote Ram Dass in the reading, who has some talks that After Skool has animated and published on YouTube. The one I quote is Everything is Perfect, but when I went to search it to share as I promise in this short episode, I discovered this other very relevant (though the talk was recorded in the early 90s it seems) video of his titled, Change is Inevitable, and I decided to link it instead just because, well, it’s my podcast and I can do what I want! (Though the other one is really good too, just maybe too much.) You’ve heard me say it before, and I’m saying it again: there’s really nothing new under the sun.

Your child has brought you some curriculum of the soul. What will you do with it?

The StoicMom Project
The StoicMom Project
At this point, I have embraced this destabilizing, sometimes excruciating, sometimes wondrous experience of having a trans-IDed child as “curriculum of the soul.” Because I can’t help but imagine how different the world might be if we could all take the hardest thing in our lives and view it as this, as curriculum of the soul. Practitioners of Stoicism might say, "the obstacle is the way." These are my conversations and reflections--along the way.