When I read this, I embraced it and turned it into my prayer. For me. For our children. For all of us.

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Yes, for all of us!

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Today I decided I need to read stoic mom because nothin else I’m doing is helping. Maybe I just need to be more stoic. This is the first thing I’ve opened to read, and it matches my thoughts and feeling precisely. I could have written these exact words. I’m not sure if that makes me feel better or worse, but it comforts me a little to know that I’m not alone.

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Wow. This is so raw and true and painful- thank you for sharing this. This whole piece resonated with me but I had to stop and re-read this part a few times: “I wish I would have understood the influences that would lead you to doubt yourself and that I’d communicated to you that your family could handle any mess you could bring to us. But the brutal truth is that I doubted myself. “

I will spend some time reading and re-reading; you are articulating many things that I am also feeling.

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This is just beautiful. You are expressing so much of what I am feeling at this time. I have so much guilt about all the things I feel I could have done differently and constantly wonder what I could have done to prevent my daughter from feeling wrong in her body. I’m grateful that I found you before I ever approached my daughter about her gender questioning because as hard as it was NOT to try to convince her she was mistaken or wrong, building our relationship and modeling female strength seems to have paused any true transition for now. Each day is still a struggle for me because I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, so your words here are also comforting, knowing that I am not alone in this circumstance. Thank you!

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I feel as though I could have written this myself. The beautiful writing articulates feelings and notions that I have found hard to name. Thank you

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