Jan 1Liked by StoicMom

When you remove your breasts for gender you are in the thick of an identity crisis. I agree that is the more vital element. Will removing your breasts and convincing the world you're a different sex help you actually find yourself? Will it be worth it?

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by StoicMom

One year into this drama, I am now discovering The Stoic Mom Project. I think this is surely where I need to place my energies now. This interview made me think about the opportunity for the dads. So much of what I’ve read is that while the moms are getting the PhD in gender studies, the dads remain silent. This is certainly the case in our home. Maybe that gives them the capacity to start out by being neutral and curious. Not that us moms can’t get there, but it’s not where many of us started. This new approach will take some time, practice and maybe some backpedaling. Great interview!

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by StoicMom

“They know it it’s not a belief, it’s a knowing” boy that one really hit me. There’s no talking anyone out of knowing. It has to come from them. The comparisons to falling in love easily resonated with me

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by StoicMom

This was amazing!! So many eye openers for me and I’m still processing it all. Thank you🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️

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