I’m unplugging for the holiday weekend, but before I do, I thought I’d share another of those older reflections from 2018. I’ve found if I am on the lookout for the magic instead of trying to force it, I experience more of those moments. Just something to think about if you have holiday plans…
A little context if you’re not yet a paid subscriber: one of our “unorthodox solutions” when things felt like they were falling apart in our house was to embark on some world-schooling adventures. This reflection is from a 3-week ranch sit we did that year.
Day 10:
It has been almost a year since I had a relieving epiphany about my little family.
The four of us had become seemingly disparate in our daily lives. How had this happened?! We all had very different interests, and not only was I having a nearly impossible time finding activities we all enjoyed together, but simple conversations with each other could be extremely challenging. My kids and husband were tired and cranky at the end of their “work” days, and my efforts to now intentionally create a tight knit culture after the last couple years of drifting apart were met with little receptivity. I was getting desperate and coming to believe it was just too late–I’d blew it by not forcing this sooner!